Legacy of Gold x Khimberly by Bey-Abi
SCID Clear
Winner of the 2002 CPAHA yearling futurity and Open yearling class. 2003 CPAHA Futurity Champion 3 year old Stallion.
Winner of 2003 Western Carolinas Spring Arabian Show Open 2yo and Junior Stallion Championship.
His book will be open to a select number of mares. If you would like to visit and consider him in your breeding program please contact Sandra Foy at 704-876-1005. Chalice will be standing at Eastwood Arabians Offered at $1,200 with Live Foal Guarantee (Includes $200 non-refundable booking fee). Call Sandra Foy at 704-876-1005 or e-mail desertarab@eastwoodarabians.com